********** Yoshinori Ishii Executive chef of Japanese restaurant UMU in London ******************

------------------ 英国の日本料理店 UMU 総料理長 石井義典 のつれづれなる話 ------------

Friday 3 May 2013

Pottery work in Shepherd Market 作陶生活その後


The development of my challenge to replace all tableware at Umu with my own works of ceramic, although has almost been a year since started, is still far from completion.
During the long, miserable winter in London, I spent most weekends facing potter's wheel, moreover I found myself doing the same during the weeks whenever time suited. Nonetheless the hardship of progressing the ceramic-making parallel to providing service at the restaurant cannot yet be triumphed.
However, the gradual rise in number of supporters has been definitely allowing the challenge to move forward.

"Kabuto-bachi", a thick porcelain bowl I am focusing on at the moment, specially for tofu and lobster dish preparation, has wider opening rim than those I used to work on. I cannot deny the struggle in experimenting with the new style, yet few are already becoming in shape.
The stage of unglazed kilning has completed, thanks to Ms Midori Aoshima of M Ceramics. The following step of mixing glazes, combining with familiarising with a new kiln, is still requiring number of trials, but prototypes are expected to be finalised shortly. Needless to say, I am very eagerly awaiting to meet them.
Together with Ms Midori, I have visited London Ceramic Art Show not long ago. Familiar faces from previous year's show filled the venue, but inspiring nature was still present all the same. In addition, I enjoyed the new discoveries which I only could acquire with the experience I gained through touching British clay with my own hands.

M ceramic の青島みどりさんが素焼きをしてくれ、次のステップとしての釉薬の調合と新しい窯で試行錯誤しています。もうすぐテストピースが出来てくるそうでとても楽しみです。


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